The round-the-clock access to 1C:Enterprise from any connected to the Internet computer in the presence of the personal password. Installation of additional programs isn't required. The 1C:Enterprise program is available to users from any point of the world at any time. All updatings and completions can be carried out 1C:Enterprise far off.

Despite abundance of various solutions, as a rule, adaptation to the company's business process is necessary. It can be minor changes (such as change of documentation printing forms, analytical reports addition etc.) or deep algorithms changing. Sometimes ready to use solutions are absent at all, so in this case the system development "from scratch" is required.

As a rule, users have difficulties during new system usage because of its difficult menus, forms, reports etc. In this case the best decision is the users education.

As a rule, the user isn't able to understand the difficult mechanism of setting up the 1C:Enterprise program. For high-quality installation and setting up the 1C:Enterprise it is necessary to use only certified 1C:Enterprise specialists. In other case the usage of this program complex will lead to serious complications instead of a positive effect

At first sight, it is simple task: "We need 1C". But inexperienced specialists usually have problems with it. The reason is clear: users don't divide 1C:Enterprise a platform and its configuration. Lets talk about differenses.